Scholarship & Community Service Awards Breakfast
"Making a Difference through Education"
Today the youth learn but tomorrow they will either lead or teach. Impartation of education is a “give-and-take” process. Education encompassing all walks of life must be intentionally transferred from one generation to another. So, if the present generation is appropriately educated and instructed, the coming generation is for sure to be even more properly educated and taught. The youth should be properly educated as they will shoulder the leadership and expanded responsibilities tomorrow. Today they learn; tomorrow they lead.
As advocates of improving our communities, we invite you to support the 900 Men Strong Scholarship and Community Services Awards breakfast. This is an all male event! Young boys will be attending from the Boys and Girls Clubs, Y.M.C.A., local high schools, the Boy Scouts and communities throughout Hampton Roads. We need your help all year long. We want to encourage you to stay engaged in the lives of our youth beyond special events through volunteering as a mentor or tutor. Search the internet for opportunities to serve your local community or the world abroad.
Ways You Can Help
Mentoring, at its core, guarantees young people that there is someone who cares about them, assures them they are not alone in dealing with day-to-day challenges, and makes them feel like they matter. Research confirms that quality mentoring relationships have powerful positive effects on young people in a variety of personal, academic, and professional situations. Ultimately, mentoring connects a young person to personal growth and development, and social and economic opportunity.
Tutoring programs vary widely from setting to setting. You might work in a school during the school day, tutoring an individual child, or helping out in the class with a small group. Other programs take place before or after school offering homework help and skills instruction or enrichment. They may be located in a variety of community agencies, including places of worship and hospitals. If you are passionate about education, consider becoming a tutor and help our youth grow as students and citizens. You could be the difference in an individual's prospects, a family's opportunities, and a community's future.
We welcome your donation. Help our community’s young men achieve their dreams! Every dollar donated will go towards scholarships for male high school students continuing their education. Help us reach our $10,000 goal and be a part of the legacy we are creating.
Help us make a difference through education for children in our communities by donating. Click on the Pushpay logo below and select 900 Men Scholarship as your payment option. It's that easy!
We appreciate your support!